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Meaning Of Rose Colors

Rose colors

Colors and meanings chart

Which color represents your relationship best?

Flowers are beautiful and wonderful ways to express how you feel for someone or a group of people. For many, flowers are great ways to express how they feel about someone or a special occasion. Flowers come in amazing colors; colors that can express almost any emotion you might have. Examples of flowers are roses, lilies and daisys. Flower arrangements come is various shapes and sizes and please many every day.

For years, many have used flowers to communicate their feelings such as joy, sympathy or love. It is important to note that every flower has a different meaning and significance. For example, take the Amaryllis. This flower is known for its ability to produce flowers for up to 75 years. This flower represents beauty that is radiant and glowing. Then, there is Anemone. This lovely flower comes from the buttercup family and is said to have “sprung from the Roman god Adonis.” These flowers are known to represent anticipation.

Aster is a lovely flower and in ancient times was believed by many that if the leaves of this flower were burned, the perfume will shoo away evil serpents. Another flower that many like is the Chrysanthemum. This flower comes from China. Today, this flower is acknowledged as a symbol of the sun. In addition, the chrysanthemum represents fidelity.

The colors of flowers represent various emotions such as the color red. When sending red flowers, you are sending passionate flowers that represent love.

Another color is pink. Pink represents a more brotherly type of love and is a good color to give to someone who is a friend.
Peach colored flowers also represent friendship and can be given to a friend in various situations such as “I’m here for you” or “I am happy that you are my friend.”

Yellow is a color that many choose because it is such an uplifting color. This color represents happiness and is a lovely color to choose; especially if you want to cheer someone up.

To conclude, flower messages come in many varieties such as: “I’m thinking of you,” “I love you and miss you,” “I’m sorry for your loss,” or “I send my deepest condolences to you at this time.” Wedding flowers and funeral flowers are especially appreciated and can make these events more special and lovely.